Friday, September 5, 2008


The girls decided to dress alike for the 2nd day of school. They were tired this morning, but happy to be going back. I hope that they will sleep in on Saturday to catch up on sleep. There is a picture of Ben and Cari for those who haven't seen them for a while.

So, I have been in a real funk this week. We went to the beach on Monday and got the last bit of sun that we could and then it turned cold. I found this leaf at the bus stop while waiting for Sarah to get home (She was an hour late!). I guess that I am just not ready for the summer to be over. I hope that I snap out of this soon, or it's going to be a long winter!


Meg said...

I feel the same way about summer. It was terrible having Amy leave and today it is actually COLD. I am not ready for that at all. The girls look adorable as usual though. Give them a hug for me. Great blog and great idea.

Kari said...

Oh my gosh! I can not believe how old everyone looks, especially Ben and Caroline. It's insane!

the Forrest Diaries said...

I'm sorry you got caught in a funk! I was all ready for California weather and when I got here it's HOT!!! I"m talking nights too. Ben looks so adorable and everyone else looks to old to be my nieces. Tell them to stop growing! Mom says if I teach her to blog she'll start (if she ever gets the time)

amanda said...

they all look so good! Can you send some cold down here? I'll take that over a hurricane! I can't get over how big Ben and Cari look!

blog_meg said...

A blog! A blog! Kathy FINALLY has a blog!! I LOVES me some Gore girls!! And Davey and Ben, too!!

Kate said...

I found your blog on Meg's but I love that you have one! The kids are growing up so fast!!! I can't believe that the twins are in 4th grade. We miss you guys and hope you have some great fall weather up there. It is going to feel like fall here this week.